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Get involved

Only by working together can we make equality a reality here in Wales. You can get involved and support us in a number of ways:

Get Involved with REF

How you can help

Diversity Training and Education

We offer customised diversity training sessions and workshops tailored to the specific needs of businesses and organisations. These sessions aim to raise awareness, enhance understanding, and equip employees or members with the skills to foster inclusivity in their workplaces or communities.

Partnership Opportunities

Businesses and organisations can partner with us on diversity and inclusion initiatives, activities, or events. 

Resource Sharing and Collaboration

We welcome opportunities to collaborate with businesses and organisations to share resources, best practices, and expertise related to diversity and inclusion. 

Establish a referral mechanism

By establishing a formal system or process enabling both organisations to refer individuals, cases, or clients to one another for specialised services, support, or assistance.

Employee Engagement and Volunteering

Encourage employees or members of businesses and organisations to engage in volunteering opportunities or diversity-related activities organised by our organisation. 

Advocacy and Policy Support

Businesses and organisations can join us in advocating for policies and practices that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in workplaces and communities. 

Passionate about helping people

We offer support, advice, and advocacy for those facing discrimination, harassment, hate crimes, and disadvantage. We collaborate with Welsh and UK Governments, the European Court of Human Rights, and the United Nations to amplify our impact through research and advocacy. Join us in making a difference.

Our vision is to see a society where all individuals have equal rights.

We fight on behalf of victims directly affected by hate crimes and/or discrimination, we deliver anti-racism training to companies of all sizes, and we hold governments and organisations to account.