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Hate Crime Support Service


Funded by our own unrestricted reserves, we support any victim of a hate crime or hate incident under the 5 hate crime strands.

Physical or verbal abuse because of a person’s Race, Religion, Disability, Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity is a criminal offence.

If you have been a victim of any of these issues or you have witnessed or experienced a hate incident or hate crime, we can provide you with support, advice and advocacy to achieve justice.

Our one-to-one support services cover all areas of Wales. However, we may be able to assist you remotely via email and telephone if you live out of Wales.

Hate Crime involves any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on the 5 personal characteristics under the Hate Crime laws in England and Wales: 

  • Race
  • Religion 
  • Disability
  • Sexual orientation 
  • Transgender identity
Hate crime

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For help and advice

Only by working together can we make equality a reality here in Wales. You can get involved and support us in a number of ways.