Annual MEC Health Fair
Annual MEC Health Fair
27th Oct 2023
07th Dec 2021
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Race Equality First is delighted to launch the 25th year of their annual Schools Against Racism Poster Competition.
Primary and secondary school pupils across Wales are invited to create a drawing, painting, digital artwork or photography project on one of two themes; equality matters, or words can hurt.
In 2022, the charity will continue to run three regional competitions, one for primary and secondary students in South Wales, one in Gwent and one competition open to all students across Wales. The competition will run in both English and Welsh and students have the option to apply in either language or bilingually.
10 winners will be selected per region and each student winner will receive a framed certificate and print of their winning entry, £50 gift voucher, goodie bag and a £100 cash prize for their school. Winners in South Wales and Gwent will be invited to an awards ceremony to collect their prizes on Monday 21st March 2022, the International Day of the Elimination of Racial Discrimination at the Temple of Peace in Cardiff, hosted by friend and patron of the charity, TV and radio personality Jason Mohammed.
CEO Aliya Mohammed says, “The topic of diversity and anti-racism has been ever present in the media this year and we know from previous years that schools have enjoyed discussing anti-racism and racial equality with their pupils in a dynamic and explorative way. We’re delighted that the poster competition is celebrating its 25th year and as our future leaders, the youth of Wales are vital in ensuring we have an anti-racist Wales in the years ahead.”
To celebrate the 25th year of the competition, the school that sends in the greatest number of entries will also win a book bundle worth £250 with a selection of books covering race equality, equity, diversity and inclusion for their school library for use by pupils and teachers.
The deadline for entries is Monday 28th February 2022. For further information and to receive an information pack, please email himalee@raceequalityfirst.org.uk
27th Oct 2023
08th Apr 2022