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Support for Minority Ethnic Elders

The MEE (Minority Ethnic Elders) in Mind

Funded By

Welsh Government

Project Status



Funded by the Welsh Government, the MEE in Mind Project aims to provide 1-1 advocacy for ethnic minority people aged 50 years and over across Wales to assist them to access health appointments, to help beneficiaries to understand information provided to them, for example through utilising interpreter telephone services, to provide information and assistance so beneficiaries’ voices can be heard, to support with independent living arrangements, to support beneficiaries to complete forms and applications for welfare benefits, and to generally support beneficiaries who may be experiencing barriers in accessing a service in an holistic way.

How we help

  • One-to-one advocacy for ethnic minority people over 50 years of age in Wales, provided at home, in care, hospital or within our office environment
  • Monthly AdvoCafés across Wales: drop-in coffee mornings to discuss/educate on: care & support needs; equipment to live independently at home; making complaints; finding accommodation; maintenance/repairs; health awareness; influencing practice, improvements in local services and informing service providers about their needs
  • Social and physical activities to combat isolation and improve physical and mental health and wellbeing in communities local to elderly ethnic minorities 
  • Train Volunteer Champions in Advocacy to represent AdvoCafé attendees’ views at Council meetings, health board, committees and consultations.
  • Provide training for social care organisations on: needs of ethnic minority service users; culturally appropriate personal care; maintaining dignity and pride; delivering cultural and religious-sensitive services.

Activities include:

Walking groups,  weekly circuit training and other physical activities, a weekly BME Women’s Swimming Club, English lessons, Healthy Eating Sessions, Health Awareness Sessions, Lunch Clubs, Celtic Capability Sailing Session, Cosy Corner Café, IT/Computer Skills, Arts & Crafts, Badminton groups, Food Safety Qualification Level 1 & 2, Interfaith Events, an Advo Cafése and much much more.  

Tackling racial discrimination together

We fight on behalf of victims directly affected by hate crimes and/or discrimination, we deliver anti-racism training to companies of all sizes, and we hold governments and organisations to account.

Latest projects

Thanks to our funders, we’re able to run live projects that inspire and aim to break down barriers for the benefit of the people of Wales.